Soothing and methodical, Abhyanga massage’s primary purpose is to restore vata dosha to its correct flow, while nourishing all the tissues of the body.
It is wonderful for post-partum care as well as regular wellness maintenance for all women.
A valuable mode of care for a new mother, Abhyanga bodywork supports hormonal balance, provides structured rest time for the mother and restores strength to her body.
Benefits of receiving Abhyanga Post-partum
- Soothes aches and strengthens back, neck, shoulder, arm muscles- from long hours of caring for a newborn
- Decreases inflammation in muscles and tissues
- Stimulates lymphatic drainage
- Promotes good circulation, keeps wastes moving
- Tones and invigorates tissues
- Keeps skin and hair deeply hydrated, soft and strong
- Reduces fatigue, stress, anxiety
- Promotes deeper rest and sleep patterns
- Encourages positive states and well-being in the new mother’s body-mind