Offering Ayurvedic herbal poultice massage 'Pindasvedana' a single treatment that gives the combined benefits of
- Sudation therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Herbal therapy

Following a full-body Ayurvedic massage, custom-made herbal poultices are heated and applied to the whole body (or specific affected areas like the shoulders, back or legs) for deep therapeutic benefits, some of which are:
- It is Antispasmodic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesic
- Reduces puffiness
- Reduces stiffness and pain in muscles
- Highly effective in Kapha & vata disorders like Frozen shoulder, arthritis
- Relieves deep-seated tension and built-up toxins
- Increases circulation
- Tones and strengthens muscles
- Imparts glow and lustre to the skin
- Induces sound sleep